Appz & Cracks & Serials

All pages best viewed in 800x600 resolution full screen

  Some links may not be up all the time !

    Some of the Sitez may be XXX rated !!!!

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Astalavist - USA  
find cracks & serials numbers

X-Files Harem
Rated XXX

Kick-Me To FOSI
Real Good Spot To Get Appz

Web Site Garage
checks your Web Site

Cracks & Keys
many cracks

Hardware Drivers
solw to load

Appz  + Plus More
good place to find Appz

 Find Files Fast = FTP search
you need to know the file name

Looking For Cracks ? ,Large List
get cracks many sitez

slow but it's from czech

 Game Cheats 
many cheat files to download

WarezZone Network
Rated XXX

Toms Hardware Guide
good spot for Over Clocking Stuff

many cracks



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The files and programs available through B.J.'s Web Pages are indexed from servers all over the world. B.J.'s. makes no representations as to the content of such files and programs or that the files and programs are accurate, complete, virus-free or do not infringe the rights of any third party. Each user is responsible to virus check any program downloaded from the site before installation.

B.J,'s is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from users' downloading or use of any such programs or files.

B.J.'s is also not liable for any errors or omissions resulting from any file or program's failure to accurately process and present date data between and within the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

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