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Help for Win95 , Win98 ,W2K 
buds web pages

FREE  Software
free stuff

Download Com Shareware
good spot for shareware

Tech Support Sites Large List
list of support sites

Shareware Sites
my share web page

Networking   HowToGuide
net working stuff

Hidden Features,Dos,Win98,95
buds web pages

 Driver Guide, find any driver
login in as (drivers) pass word (all)

          Fix Windows
good spot to get help for Windows

Find Drivers  = Drive Zone =
all types of drivers

SN & Cracks & Appz
my web page for cracks & appz

Find Help for Win95,W98,W2K
help for windows

HowToFix, Windows98 SE
buds web pages

Bud's Pages, Find Items Fast
buds web pages

Astalavist - USA, Find Files 
find cracks + serials #s

Garage, checks your Web Pages
check your web site

Hardware Drivers
slow to load

Filemine Shareware
good spot for shareware

Jumbo Shareware
good spot for shareware

PC World Shareware
good spot for shareware

Audio Grabber
for MP3 stuff

 Find Files Fast = FTP search
you will need the file name

Toms Hardware Guide
over clocking + more

How To Make Cables + more
How To Guide + more

Tucows Shareware
good spot for shareware

Z-Net Shareware
good spot for shareware

Win98 Discussion Forum
Windows Annoyances

A Real Tip For Memory
real tip for window users


Need to find a Support Site for software and hardware try this list .CLICK HERE

Plus see Support page 2 and page 3

It's  slow to load because it's a big list.


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